Thursday, February 25, 2016

Name Card Mission Reflection

  1. Why is each step required?
    1. I think each step is required because it helps every designer pause and process the needs of their client. The steps make it much easier to make an idea and follow through with it, along with keeping the client's needs in mind. When you empathize, you think of the needs of your client and create a product. When you define a challenge and theme you build upon the ideas you formed when you were empathizing with your client. The challenge is constantly put through out the process, and when you ideate something, you have to keep that challenge in mind. When you make a protoype or you test something, you use skills and ideas that you have built throughout the entire process. Each step is required because it builds upon the one before it, and wihtout it, the whole process would collapse.
  2. What did you learn?
    1. I learned a lot about my peers, and I also learned a lot about the design process. I also learned about disruptive innovation and what makes a good design. This mission taught me what a successful designer must do.
  3. What is your contribution towards disruptive innovation for this project?
    1. Apart from just enjoying my 'artistic ability', I am proud of my project because it is seen as disruptive innovation. The idea of using calligraphy to write my name was new, and my idea of using the soccer ball to showcase my other interests was disruptive as well. My peers would often remark, "i wish I had done that!" as I showed them my work.

Name Card Prototype/Test (feedback from Ryan)

I think my namecard was pretty good. Ryan agreed with me, but she had some feedback.
  • Make a sunset in the background!
  • Use more color in the Background!
  • Putting colors like yellow in the sunset is going to be great. 
Overall, he thought I did great!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Name Card-Ideate

Feedback from mine:

  • Color in Middle Patch of the Soccer Ball
  • Draw in stuff in the patches of soccer ball
  • put star wars in the sky
  • Add a quote from your favorite book
  • Add something about favorite soccer player (Messi or Morgan)

Name Card- Define

My Digging Deeper Questions: 
  • Favorite Sport
    • Theme: Soccer
    • Challenge: How to Draw a Soccer Ball
  • Favorite Music
    • Theme: Music/Instruments
    • Challenge: How to incorporate the two instruments/music notes
  • Favorite Classes/Profession
    • Theme: English/History
    • Challenge: How to incorporate writing/a map
  • Favorite Hobby
    • Theme: Writing/Music
    • Challenge: How to incorporate books/music notes
  • Favorite Color
    • Theme: Black
    • Challenge: Make it Black with it still being visible