Thursday, March 10, 2016

Software Approach, Top Down Design

One way of coding is to simply have a rough idea of what you want to do and then start typing away to produce one hug source file.
This is a very bad idea.
The resulting code is likely to have many issues in it that include

    • Poorly documented code
      • very hard to maintain and update
    • Spaghetti code
      • tangled mess of jumps and loops all over the code, very hard for someone to understand. even by the original coder a few days later!
    • Duplication of code
      • wasting memory and running speed
    • Very hard to develop by  more than one person
      • there is only one file 
    • Very hard to debug
      • it either works or it doesn't
There are more issues, but hopefully the list shows that it is best to have a methodical, professional approach to coding which this mini-web will cover.

Points to Consider for Presentation

Some points I would consider to keep my audience engaged during the presentation are

  • Using humour/jokes to appeal to the audience at hand
  • Using interesting points
  • Making sure everything I saw is not redundant, and that it is all interesting
  • Making sure the presentation itself is interesting
  • Using good vocabulary
  • Being able to get the point across whilst giving the audience time to understand what I am saying
  • Maybe give the presentation a soundtrack?
  • Also, speaking clearly and loudly
  • Have new information to keep them engaged
  • Interact with the Audience
  • Always OVERestimate them incase they question you

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Systems Thinking

  • What comes to your mind when you hear the word "System?" What is a system? How does it work? Give some examples.
    • When I think of the word System, I normally think of laptops or other forms of technology. I think a system is something with multiple steps that all rely on each other in some sort of way or form. Each thing in a system builds a bigger whole, and that is what helps a system work. Most laptops work with a sort of system that helps them get turned on or get fired up.
    • Some sorts of systems include the Design Thinking Process. All the little steps go together to make a complex whole. Laptops are also a sort of system; they work together. Most big companies and offices are systems in the sense that they require multiple people to create one unified product. Sports teams are also examples of systems.