Thursday, March 3, 2016

Systems Thinking

  • What comes to your mind when you hear the word "System?" What is a system? How does it work? Give some examples.
    • When I think of the word System, I normally think of laptops or other forms of technology. I think a system is something with multiple steps that all rely on each other in some sort of way or form. Each thing in a system builds a bigger whole, and that is what helps a system work. Most laptops work with a sort of system that helps them get turned on or get fired up.
    • Some sorts of systems include the Design Thinking Process. All the little steps go together to make a complex whole. Laptops are also a sort of system; they work together. Most big companies and offices are systems in the sense that they require multiple people to create one unified product. Sports teams are also examples of systems. 

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