Thursday, April 14, 2016

Fundamentals of Computer Architecture

  • What gives life to this laptop?
    • It's the electricity!
      • use the power button
        • the zero is for off, the one is for on
    • Binary was chosen for the two states
      • on and off
    • 0 is called a bit
    • 1 is called a bit
    • 8 bits make up 1 byte
    • the unit of computer memory is a byte
  • Every symbol on this keyboard is called a Character
    • letters a-z, numbers, shift, space, special symbols
    • Example: A = 0100 1100 (not true, just an example)
      • see, it's 8 bits!
    • It goes through pulses of electricity
      • every 1 says go, every 0 says no
    • Every symbol has its own pulse
    • When you press a key on the keyboard, electricity moves from the key in patterns
    • If you press one key down wrong, it doesn't work
  • Programming Languages are a little bit like English
    • Java, C, C++, Python
  • { Begin } End
  • Computers need to process information
    • like we use translators to translate from english to other languages, computers use their translator to translate from code to binary
    • Compiler
      • It goes through the source code and points out any errors and when the entire source code is correct, it will convert into zeros and one
        • Machine Language
    • interpreter
      • It goes through the source code and points out any errors and when the entire source code is correct, it will convert it line by line, statement by statement
  • Source Code ---> Compiler or Interpreter ---> Object Code
  • HLL (High Level Languages)
    • like Java, C++, Python
  • Binary Code/Lang
  • machine code/Lang
  • Lang = Language
  • Systems Program
    • Driver Program
      • Connection between the printer and the computer
  • Application Program
    • Hospital Management System
    • Banking System


  1. Please remove the sentence, "Computers are compilers" - that doesn't make sense

  2. Please remove the sentence, "Computers are compilers" - that doesn't make sense
